Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Interview: NY Transcendental Black Metalist's Liturgy

After a show at Farm 255, I sat down with drummer Greg Fox and guitarist Hunter Hunt-Hendrix of the Transcendental Black Metal band Liturgy.

Brad: Hi guys, good to meet you. You put on a very interesting show tonight.

Hunter: Thanks man. It’s good to meet you.

Brad: So I noticed a lot of your merchandise has the term “Transcendental Black Metal” printed on it. Can you explain to me what this is as opposed to “regular” Black Metal.

Greg: For me Black Metal was always a really negative term. When I was a kid I used to love the sound of it and the intensity, but I didn’t want to play music that was so dark.

Hunter: Yeah it’s a very mystical type of music. In a way all music is transcendental, but for us, Black Metal is just a way of becoming closer to nature and achieving a sort of mystical ecstasy.

Brad: In your set you played two songs, I believe the third and last, which were very different from the rest. They seemed a lot slower and focused more on riffing than blast beats.

Hunter: Yeah those are new ones we played. Our new stuff is longer and more repetitive. We're trying to hypnotize listener's with the riff.

Brad: So your new record is going to be a lot different from the older ones?

Hunter: Yes. We can’t keep doing the same formula on each album. I mean, the super intense stuff works well for a while, but we need to move on.

Brad: And you have a new album in the works now?

Hunter: Yeah, we've got songs we are working on for a new album.

Brad: So do you guys enjoy touring and writing music full time?

Hunter: Oh yeah, totally. Playing and the creative process are two separate things though, but we enjoy them both.