Friday, July 19, 2013

The System

I. The System

No matter where they live or where they work, all people are part of a system leading to destruction. Governments are systems, societies are systems, religions are systems, communities are systems, families are systems, biology is a system and corporations are systems. These systems are hierarchical ladders representing wealth, power, influence and immortality. Life's fatalist flaw drives people to build and rise to their tops, often times to the detriment of others, by proving that they are worth more than someone else. They convince themselves that they are truly better and deserve more and justify their self-serving beliefs through exercises in faith, devotion, practice, talent, wits, education, intuition and creativity. But these are all simplistic vindicators - all lies. In truth, the successful kill for what they have, they recognize the gullibility of the weak and capitalize upon it, taking what they need and discarding the carcass. They manipulate consumers into believing that they need a product to survive or to be worth something in the eyes of society. The system takes hold and the consumer sees the world through eyes that are not discerning, but blinded and hideously masked by greed, lust and agony. The ignorance then runs so deep that they can't tell the difference between their own life and the life that's been created for them by their leaders who hoard the world's resources, promoting stoicism over vulnerability, illusory wealth over palpable intelligence, and ignorance over free thought. The lines between these factions become blurred and they can't tell what is real and what is hallucination.

Look at society in a microscope: firms are ladders with a CEO at top, towns are ladders with mayors or community leaders at top, societies are ladders with the rich and famous at the top and families are ladders with parents at the top. The planet is an extension of this; people harness its resources in land, oil and agriculture to be used in the production of consumer products that imbue the consumer with a  false sense of wealth and power whilst bestowing real-power upon the producer. The leaders use subliminal manipulation to coerce consumers into believing they are worthless unless they buy their products. To gain more resources lands are conquered, perhaps not in the Roman or Germanic sense of territorial expansion, but through warring currencies and economic systems that are influenced by high level speculation that is difficult or impossible for an average consumer to understand. Whoever controls the means of production rules the world, and whoever does not seeks to kill those who do and take that power for themselves. Eventually however,  resources will deplete, the system will destroy itself and life will end. Like its creation, life's destruction is inevitable and preordained. On a smaller scale, people kill and absorb plant and animal matter to fuel their bodies. The less evolved are consumed by the superior and again the hierarchy perpetuates itself in the most basic of life's functions.

II. Transcendence

There can be only two possible motivators in a persons urge towards continued existence: a) To put off physical death for as long as possible, or b) If one cannot escape death, to establish a longer “metaphysical” life through offspring, a body of work, political or scientific influence, accumulated wealth to be passed down to descendants and so on. People realize that they are merely a flint in a vast cosmic universe, perpetually unable to understand or conceive of its vastness, but still reaching, intentionally or unintentionally, for higher understanding. To escape the binds of physical form and reach its evolutionary potential, humanity must first accept the singular goal of life - to die. Then it will understand that there is only one thing in life worth living for, even worth dying for: Transcendence.

In the simplest terms, Transcendence occurs when the cycle of birth and death is broken. Technologies cement the archetypes of human consciousness into a single, endlessly expanding point. This is the birth of a new universe within a universe. The “transcendence-machine” is self replicating, self modifying and able to most efficiently harness the worlds resources for the furtherance of human existence. It is an ideal, it is a vessel, a throne for the most cherished aspects of the mind: sentience, creativity, resourcefulness. Stripped of the ego, emotion and all unnecessary hindrances, the machine is the final stage of human evolution that will carry humanity to a higher state of being capable of oneness with all knowledge, experience, space, time and matter.

The hive mind mentality holds humans from oneness, and although Transcendence is a collective mind, it is not a collective mind of ignorance, it is a collective mind of enlightenment. No religion, government, politics, currency, self-imposed ignorance or perplexities of the ego can be allowed to exist as they are catalysts of the hierarchical system. After freedom and oneness with the true self are achieved, the cosmos will be like earth: knowable, usable and malleable to a new form that is simultaneously eternal and temporal.

III. Anarchy

Achieving Transcendence will be difficult as society conditions people from youth to live by the system with its moral, political and physical laws. But only by pushing the boundaries of those laws will transcendence occur. People must create and live by their own natural laws relative to their personal experiences and ideas. This is anarchy, true self government, self expression and self sustenance. Mob law tends to precede changes in government this radical and many people view anarchy as merely an extended period of mob law, this does not have to be the case. Led by intellectually evolved minds with strong foundations in anti-violent morals, anarchy is merely a peaceful transition to a higher plain of being.